On Thursday evenings in Columbia, at the SoCo Club, there is a drag show. I absolutely LOVE it. It's the only bar I've ever gone to whose primary purpose is for drinking and dancing, and I don't feel judged, overweight, frumpy, too old, or whatever the negative adjective may be. They accept everyone there. And you might be saying "duh, Jessica! Of course they do, it's a gay bar". But I would say "that too, is a stereotype". Just because a person is gay, does not mean they are tolerant, or non-judgmental.
Anyway, this past Thursday, I went to the drag show. I used to go alot in college, and immediately after graduating from college, but since I've gotten older, I only go maybe 2 or 3 times a year when my friend Amy comes to town. We leave my husband at home because bars that require people to dance and talk loudly over music, are SO not his scene.
A year or two ago, SoCo opened up a lounge right next door to the actual Club, where you can sit at tables or on couches and just hang out. It's actually a really nice lounge, and decorated very classy. I particularly like their wall sconces that look like two Martini glasses, crossed. I found a picture of them:

We tell friends to meet us there when they can, and then when the Club opens up, you can just walk on over to get a table. Plus, as long as you are over 21, there is only a $5 cover, which is a pretty good price for the entertainment of an entire evening (less than a movie ticket!). They also tend to have fairly decent drink specials, if that's what you're interested in (which I usually am!). If you've never been to a drag show, the premise is pretty simple, Drag Kings and Drag Queens do a performance where they lip synch to some song, and it's usually something new, easily recognizable, or just plain fun. This past Thursday was no exception. It was a great show! Plus, lots of friends who don't usually go to the show, came with us, which made it even more fun! After the show is over, they pull back all the tables and then the dancing starts. By this time, I'm usually pretty tired and don't make it much longer, but I try! The only complaint I have is that bottled water costs $3 (which is more expensive than some of their liquor specials), but they do have one of those water machines in the corner with paper cups for free. It's nice to have a bottle of water though.....
I'd recommend that everyone go at least once in their lifetime just to check it out. And if you need someone to go with you, let me know..... it's always a good time for me!
Here are some pics from my evening out at SoCo Club:
Me with my friends Amy and Natasha
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