The circus was in town last weekend and lucky for me, my nephew was in town so I had a reason to go!
I thought it was going to be a cheap night because I had a coupon for a free child admission, but little did I know it cost $15 for an adult admission!
As far as circus's go, they had elephants, camels, horses, people swinging on ropes, etc. Decent acts. However, for the cost, I'd recommend waiting and spending your money for Barnum and Bailey.
I did not appreciate between every two acts them trying to sell some "cool" toy to kids. I could tell other parents were also not pleased. Quite the money suck. You could ride an elephant for the cost of $5 a child, and $8 an adult, but they crowded about 6 people at a time on each elephant.
So overall, it gave me something to do with my nephew and had some fun acts, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they wanted to spend a ton of money!
Here's some pictures:
Chick riding an elephant.
My nephew and Laura and Bella, clearly engrossed by something.
What they called the "Cage of Death" and yes, that is a woman standing in it with two motorcycles driving around her.
The lions. They were VERY large.
I only included this picture, because yes, the woman on the right is swinging by her hair.
That is so cool! I wish I could have gone to the circus!